Parish Staff

Fr. Sojan Xavier

Fr. Sojan Xavier


Jessica Davis


Gwen Muchow


Nanette Martin

Music Minister

Shaun Lopez

Pastoral Council President

Kim Williams

Finance Council President

Mass Times

Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 11:00 am
Tuesday: 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:15 am
Thursday: 8:15 am
Friday: 6:00 pm

Saturdays 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm or by appointment

Fridays at 5:00 pm

Begins 30 minutes prior to weekday Mass,

35 minutes prior to Saturday & Sunday Mass


Weekly Events

  • NO MASS/Adoration on Friday Nov 29
  • OCIA (classes to become Catholic) begin soon! Please call church office.
  • Lectio Divino/Bible Study December 03 6:30 pm
  • Adult Choir Practice Wednesdays at 5:30 pm (Choir Loft)
  • CCD/PSR 10:00 am Sundays – including Confirmation prep classes


In the spirit of Saint Francis, we, the church family, strive to discover Christ’s peace in us and in each aspect of creation by welcoming and walking hand in hand with our brothers and sisters on our faith journey.